Monday, January 25, 2010

How Is Ames Baptist Helping Haiti?

Yesterday, the family of Ames Baptist Church decided to step out in faith and seek the Lord as to how we will be helping Haitian churches who were wrecked as a result of the January 12 earthquake. This coming Sunday, January 31st, we'll make a decision as a church body to do two things to directly help the rebuilding process of Christian churches in Haiti:

First, we'll take a special offering which will be above and beyond our normal tithes (Ps 24:1; Matt 25:14-30; Deut 14:22-23; 2 Chron 31:4-18; 2 Cor 8:3, 9:8). This will be an opportunity for individual members to dig deep and sacrifice for the Lord for the purpose of rebuilding His kingdom work in Haiti.

Second, as a church body, we'll dig deep and take 50% of our regular tithes and sacrifice for the Lord to help the kingdom rebuilding in Haiti.

Why are we doing this?
It behooves me as a pastor at least to consider what it would be like to stand in the shoes of a pastor in Haiti who has lost everything from family, church leaders, church members, ministry efforts, ministry facilities, etc., and still know that my calling is to reach the lost and teach the Word. This concern spilled over into our Deacon leadership and from there I believe God is moving our hearts as a church body to support this effort, for His glory and His renown.

How Are We Doing This?
First, with open hearts and by faith in the power of Christ. Second, by sending our offering through Churches Helping Churches. This organization has been brought together by nationally respected pastors Mark Driscoll, Preaching Pastor of Mars Hill Church, and James MacDonald, Senior Pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel,

"Churches Helping Churches was created to address the immediate and long-term needs of churches when disaster befalls a country, region, city, or people in the spirit of Galatians 6:10—“…let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

It is my desire to lead the ABC family to sacrificially give towards God's work in Haiti in the wake of this devastating disaster. Beloved, take this week to prayerfully consider how the Lord is leading you. This is not about making a statement for ABC, this is about standing before our Great and Glorious God passionately proclaiming, "Lord we will gladly spend and be spent for their souls" (2 Cor 12:15).

Will you help the churches of Haiti?

1 Addendums:

At 11:48 AM, January 25, 2010, Blogger hashem chimed in saying

And this is the action part of what it means, "blessed to be a blessing." Awesome!


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