Thursday, February 05, 2009

Thoughts about Marriage

Gary Thomas, speaker, professor and prolific author of Sacred Marriage, has a fantastic word for married couples who profess faith in Christ. He writes,

"Paul answers a lot of questions for us when he says, 'We make it our goal to please him [God]' . . . The first purpose in marriage - beyond happiness, sexual expression, the bearing of children, companionship, mutual care and provision, or anything else - is to please God."

I've been married for a little more than two and a half years. Now, I have a confession to make . . .

I have sought forgiveness when I've done wrong, to please my wife.
I wake up most mornings and iron clothes and make lunch and breakfast, to please my wife.
I make silly jokes and try not to be a jerk (all the time), to please my wife.
I love my wife, to please my wife.

While I am making no claim that these are inherently bad things, (nor am I saying in any way that I have to work to earn mutual love and respect from my wife) WHAT I AM SAYING is that my ultimate motivation has been off the mark. It's not my first responsibility to make my wife happy . . . err, what? Yes, that's what I said.

Rather, a right relationship with God the Father causes me to make HIM my first love, that is, He is the one whom I am to seek to please the most.

As Gary Thomas explains, in doing this, that is, seeking to "please God first," I will naturally do all those things which causes my second love (my fantastically awesome, caring, FORGIVING wife), to know that I love her and will serve her with all I have to offer.

The Lesson: ". . . and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised . . ."
2 Corinthians 5:15

Put your ULTIMATE love first, and serve him. From that relationship will flow a love that your spouse (and yourself) never knew possible!

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all,

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