Saturday, December 23, 2006

God is the desire of my heart, but football fuels my mind!

A friend and I were working the other day and he randomly posed an interesting question. It went something like this: If I believe with all my heart that God has fully sustained me from my beginning and continues to do so on a daily basis, why do I still desire to do things and have things that are "here and now"? After we discussed it a bit more, I gathered that he was aiming at the question of why watching College or Pro football, playing video games, eating sensational meals, etc., for example, seem to be so fulfilling to us as humans in light of the understanding that GOD is to be our "fulfilled desire" in all things. Is it wrong to seek delight in things of the earth when it is NOT an over indulgence of such earthly enjoyment.

His question was beautiful in that he craved with intense honesty something that rarely seems to be discussed, possibly with exception to those who I categorize as " Health and Wealth " or " Prosperity " gospel teachers/preachers. As our discussion continued, we wondered if it was possible to distinguish between our SPRITIUAL (Eternal) NEEDS/DESIRES and our HUMANISTIC (Material) NEEDS/DESIRES? In this hypothetical dichotomy, we ventured to view God as our sustainer, counselor, and pillar in the entirety of who we are, but that we still exist "here and now" and need not heavy condemnation for our "here and now" desires (shopping, football, movies, music, shoes, whatever…) if indeed they do not overtake the spiritual desire and remain within an understood amount of moderation. Is that right, wrong, or what? This is especially difficult in light of Matthew 6:19-21 when the Christ says:

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

The outcome of our discussion, while it was no where near long enough to truly conclude anything substantial, was that moderation, balance, and most of all, Scripture, are the keys to living in the light of Christ. Jesus is the only way to heaven; that is understood and is not being disputed! Though until we get to heaven, we are restricted to the “here and now” and as long as we stay within the guidelines of truth (the Holy Bible) we haven’t lost sight of our purpose ( Mathew 28:19-20 ; Mark 12:28-30; Deuteronomy 6:2-9 ).

The above is simply “thinking out loud.” It is in no way my concise theology or anything of that makeup. Honestly though, is this far off or right on or what? Tell me what you think….

2 Addendums:

At 3:58 PM, December 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous chimed in saying

If we weren't meant to enjoy some of the things on earth, then wouldn't God have made us and then NOTHING else? All we would do is just stand (or sit) there.... doing nothing.

At 9:34 AM, December 27, 2006, Blogger Bryan Laramore chimed in saying

Well said Old Chap, I agree...sometimes Scripture can be used to move a person one way, and other times the same Scripture can be used to move one the's a game of balance maybe?


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